Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Jason Isbell, a Trucker No More

A co-worker recently made me aware of Jason Isbell's new album Sirens of the Ditch, and after hearing him perform on The World Cafe this afternoon, I decided I had to put together a post about the guy. Now I won't pretend to know a ton about the Drive-by Truckers, a band of which Isbell was a former instrumental member: for me, they were always neo-Skynyrd to My Morning Jacket's neo-Allman Bros, and having always been a Allman man, my tastes naturally skewed more towards MMJ. However, I have heard a fair amount of Drive-by Trucker tunes, and have even seen them perform live (with Robert Randolph supplying peddle-steel guitar assistance, no less) and they sounded great. However, judging from what I've heard of Isbell's new album, that band has been dealt a major blow by losing a tremendous songwriter. To me, he sounds like a sweeter, saner Ryan Adams. Check out the tunes below, courtesy ickmusic.

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