Matt pond PA is one of my favorite bands that I've never seen live, which is surprising because the band formed in Philadelphia and that's the city in which I currently reside. However, it seems they're never in town when I'm in town. Regardless, they're a tremendous, original band that doesn't get nearly the credit they deserve. I've heard a lot of people refer to their sound as "adult emo," which to me is a bit of an oxymoron. However, I do see where people are coming from with that label. Frontman Matt Pond's lyrics often employ a similar type of dark, heartbroken, and sometimes even violent, imagery to that which is common in emo music. That being said, the guy is no Dashboard Confessional knock-off. Not even close. Musically, the band has a very unique chamber-pop type of sound that is both catchy and haunting, often at the same time. They also have a knack for combining an almost country-rock shuffle with the sound of cellos and violins. Most impressive of all, they make these devices work amazingly well.
The band has a new EP called If You Want Blood. Their last EP was a major highlight for me. It was called Winter Songs and the title was no joke. I'd be walking back from class in Syracuse in the dead of winter, listening to those songs over and over on my ipod. It was always one of those rare situations where the symmetry of music and real-life ambiance fit together eerily well. I've only heard the title track from this new release, but it sounds terrific. Very upbeat. Check it out, courtesy of Neile's Life.
matt pond PA - "If you Want Blood" mp3
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